Vault Tec University Patch

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CONGRATULATIONS Ever since our inception in 203, Vault Tec University has proudly produced some of the finest minds this great country has ever seen. Our Alumni include scientists, High Powered Business, Executives, Vault Overseers, Statesmen, and leaders. You now take the first steps to joining this proud linage. Hopefully, you will be taking with you not just skills and qualifications but also treasured memories from your time here. Even though for the Sophisticated Medical training students we were able to reduce your time here from 10 years to 3 months thanks to the patented Vault Tec SpeedTeach methodology we how these last 3 months have been filled with experiences that will result in life long friendships. In the future you will look back at your time here at Vault Tec University and feel the call to return, just as many of our Alumni have, to become the next generation of Professors. So, take your next brave steps on your journey and always remember, “Go Fighting Wendigos”.

Harland Elliot

 Dean of Overseer Training